Length – 5.0m x 2.5m Wide Deep – 1.55m x 1.10m Shallow
The standard installation includes the following items: 1. Manual excavation of the hole using spades and picks in soft dig-able soil. 2. The fibreglass pool shell with a LED pool light, weir and 2 x aim flows, DB box (including transformer & timer), 0.6kw pool motor and pump, 2 bag sand filter and 80kg filter sand and a plastic pump box housing cover. 3. An entry level automatic pool cleaner. 4. Manual cleaning/handover kit. 5. Corobrik clay pavers with bull nose pavers around the shape of the pool +/- 900mm wide. 6. Vat at 15%. The above price excludes the following items:- 1. Pool fence or a safety net to secure the pool against accidental drowning. 2. Rubble removal – the excavated soil from the hole may be used again on site so it is difficult to estimate this charge before the project is completed. 3. The new power supply cable from the house dB board to the new pool dB board needs to be installed. The distance is unknown at the quoting stage and does not form part of the standard installation price. 4. Additional paving around the pool and building of any steps. 5. Pool heating – solar or electrical. 6. Salt chlorinator or ozone purifier machine. 7. Pool plan drawing and submission to local council for approval prior to any work to commence. 8. An engineer’s stability report if conditions necessitate a report. 9. Any other items required which are not listed above. If you are interested in getting a quotation on this product, please complete and submit our service request form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible